New approach needed to address homelessness

By: Shaun Loney
Posted: 3:00 AM CST Monday, Mar. 8, 2021

WINNIPEGGERS are growing increasingly alarmed over the increased number of people experiencing homelessness in our city.

The key to understanding why Winnipeg continues to struggle is highlighted by the unproductive kicking of the can between Mayor Brian Bowman and Premier Brian Pallister. The mayor feels cost pressures of trying to keep up with growing demand for emergency services and the premier, thinking addressing homelessness will cost money, says he doesn’t want to "take the bait" of even discussing the "municipal" matter with the mayor.

But how do these statements jive with the evidence? The results from the At Home/Chez Soi study, the largest research effort of any kind in Canada, confirms that financial savings of providing supportive housing across multiple agencies can be twice what is needed to provide the housing in the first place.

Kierra Ryner
Op-Ed: Social Procurement Procurement Can Add To The Bottom Line.

Social enterprises are fascinating businesses. We purposely hire people without work experience, without a Grade 12 diploma, without driver’s licences and without hope of meaningful work.

We sell goods and services like other businesses, but because we hire people who might otherwise end up incarcerated or on social assistance, we also achieve a valuable social impact, which saves governments money.

When governments contract social enterprises, it’s called social procurement. To understand the benefits, assume for a minute you want to remodel your kitchen. In the process of getting quotes from contractors, you discover an innovative and trustworthy contractor that will also remodel both your outdated living room and kitchen for the same price. Which would you choose?

The more work we have, the more social impact we make. New skills and confidence help our co-workers gain access to private-sector employers.

I recently visited Scotland to learn about its approach to social procurement. Scotland now boasts 5,600 social enterprises, and half of these hire people who have barriers to employment. I visited Haven Recycling in Glasgow, which hires ex-convicts to recycle electronics. I was amazed to learn Haven’s main customer is Police Scotland. It seems so civilized that police are procuring in a way that reduces crime and its associated government expenditures.

In Winnipeg, the city recently completed a $220-million police headquarters downtown. Had social enterprises completed just 10 per cent of that work, we would have been able to train and hire 350 Winnipeggers who have barriers to employment.

The Manitoba government has bought in. Its 2017 throne speech listed social procurement as a main strategy to producing better outcomes and making government more affordable. Manitoba Housing hires us to do drywalling, painting, cleaning, pest control, and kitchen and bathroom renovations.

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce has advocated for us in its policy platforms. In fact, two social enterprises recently won Spirit of Winnipeg business awards at the chamber’s annual awards gala.

Sheila North, former grand chief of the Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, has called for social procurement as part of her innovative 10-point economic development strategy.

The federal government is also moving quickly to engage social enterprises across the country.

The long list of municipalities that have policies to buy from social enterprises, or plan to introduce such policies this year, includes Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon and Toronto. It’s time for Winnipeg to join this list.

The city recently negotiated a mattress recycling pilot project with Mother Earth Recycling. This partnership demonstrates how the city and a social enterprise can work together to save the city money while also protecting the environment. Let’s build on this momentum and grow these pivotal partnerships.

Mayor Brian Bowman and city council have the opportunity to stand with other municipal leaders and engage further with these enterprises that have been called "government cost-cutters." It seems like an obvious choice in a city plagued with high crime rates, high levels of poverty and a stubborn meth epidemic.

Winnipeg needs real solutions to its social challenges. The social enterprise sector offers that.

Shaun Loney is the author of An Army of Problem Solvers: Reconciliation and the Solutions Economy and The Beautiful Bailout: How Social Innovation Will Solve Government’s Priciest Problems. He has co-founded six social enterprises in Manitoba, including BUILD, Purpose Construction, Aki Energy, Aki Foods, Encompass Coop and the Social Enterprise Centre.

Kierra Ryner
Winnipeg Book Launch

Announcing the Winnipeg Book Launch of The Beautiful Bailout - Saturday April 6, 730pm at St.Mary’s Road United Church. Hosted by FLY AND CAMEL CAFE, and featuring local band CARLOS AND THE SUSPIROES. Admission $15, includes refreshments and $5 book discount. See you there!

Kierra Ryner
City of Saskatoon leverages buying power for maximum benefit.

At the October City Council meeting, City Council approved a new Purchasing Policy for the City of Saskatoon. This policy aligns our own procurement better with that of the Priority Saskatchewan framework. It now reflects best practices for public procurement and will make the process more transparent and fair for all businesses. It draws on criteria from federal and provincial procurement rules and will use ‘best value’ rather than lowest price in the procurement of civic goods and services for the City.

The new purchasing policy also includes social procurement criteria, which will better enable procuring from social enterprises, Indigenous businesses, and from businesses that incorporate environmental sustainable practices. The idea of social procurement is an emerging and growing trend in Canada, with lots of opportunity for innovation simply by leveraging purchasing power.

Shaun told of the examples of BUILD and Aki Energy, and their work to empower social enterprises. He discussed the value that social enterprises have, a value that extends far beyond the people being hired or the work being done. He talked about practical steps taken in Winnipeg that had tangible benefits, such as hiring underemployed people to retrofit plumbing in public facilities to be more energy efficient. Not only did these retrofits have financial payback with the cost savings associated with them, such as keeping people out of the justice system, but there was also payback through providing training and work experience. Although this is just one many possible examples, it speaks to the benefits of connecting people who need the work with the work that needs to be done

Kierra Ryner